Making Foil Hamsot
Laurie Bellet The study of Edot Yisraeil is a staple of 5th grade curriculum in both day schools and in...
Shabbat Shirah—This Shabbat is for the Birds
Idie Benjamin and Dale Sides Cooperman In the middle of the cold, gray winter comes a Shabbat bright with song—Shabbat...
The British Lesson
Joel Lurie Grishaver I was in England for Limmud UK. I learned and taught there. Over and over again people...
Let Me Count the Ways
Five THINGS WE LEARNED AND STILL LEARN FROM PETER A. STARK, zikhrono livrakha by Carol Starin Peter Stark died tragically...
Ma Barish z”l
Our good friend Shirley Barish died last month. It is a big loss. Shirley, who went as Mom or Ma...
Rashi and Executive Function
Joel Lurie Grishaver This article is the logical extension of the work we have done with executive function. We want...
Seeing the Light: Hanukkah and Young Children
by Idie Benjamin and Dale Cooperman As teachers of young children, we tend to be enthusiastic about the work we...
Israeli Landscapes
by Laurie Ballet In my previous column, I described how the 8th grade students at Oakland Hebrew Day School connect...
Introducing Prayer Poster Sets
Now available are five sets of full-color 12” x 18” prayer posters that highlight key prayers and brakhot. Posters include...
Tech-i-ya 2.2
By Adrian Durlester One of the best blog posts I’ve read recently is Steve Jobs, Apple, and Jewish Education: Can...
Connecting Students to Israel with Terragraphs
by Laurie Bellet For the past few years, teachers have asked me most frequently for art lessons that will connect...
The Heymishe Classroom
by Idie Benjamin and Dale Sides Cooperman In a previous article Going Past Pretty to Sacred: What Early Childhood Classrooms...
I’ll Take “Executive Function”
by Joel Lurie Grishaver Imagine that “Hebrew School” could promise parents that their child’s life would be happier. That they...
Tech-i-ya 2.1
Adrian Durlester So what does it mean to be a 21st century educator? This wiki on the 21st Century Teacher,...
Why Do Children in Preschools Make New Year’s Cards?
Idie Benjamin and Dale Cooperman Did you ever stop to think….? As early childhood educators, we know what young children...