Apples and Oranges: Judaism and the World's Religions
- SKU 12310
- UPC 9781934527092
Grades: 8-12 Comparative Religion is a great way to learn about Judaism. It also makes for better citizenship. Rabbi Lieb’s book clearly explains each of the world’s major religions and shows where Judaism is similar and different. Included is an overview of “what is a religion”, and things to remember about Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. There is also a chapter on how to respond to Christian Missionaries.
This lush, full-color book is filled with powerful photographs that contain their own lessons. Chapters begin and end in text-based activities that further open students’ insight into each religion and provide the teacher with exciting classroom opportunities. Rabbi Lieb’s delightful narrative makes for easy reading. The activities invite active discussions. Apples and Oranges grows insight into both Judaism and other religions.
Chapters include:
- How to Compare Religions
- Some Important and Unique Things to Remember About Judaism
- A Brief History of Christianity
- Comparing Judaism and Christianity
- “Have You Accepted Our Lord Jesus?” Responding When Christian Missionaries Come to Call
- An Introduction to Islam
- A Comparison of Judaism and Islam
- Welcome to the East: Hinduism
- And Now…On To Buddhism
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Apples and Oranges: Judaism and the World's Religions