Tiyulim Journeys: A Hebrew Primer
$16.50 USD
- SKU 61150
- UPC 9781891662249
Grade: 3-4 Tiyulim means “journeys.” Tiyulim takes students on a journey toward mastering Hebrew decoding skills and on a tiyul through the state of Israel. Students will learn to decode Hebrew in only twenty-four lessons. Perfect for classes that meet one or two days a week. Tiyulim offers these resources:
- Tiyulim @ Home Review App offers review exercises and sends a recording to their teachers. Tiyulim @ Home app is available on iPad, Android, and Kindle tablets.
- The class Workbook is filled with additional drill activities and writing exercises.
- Flashcards, Vocabulary Posters, Teacher’s Guide—flashcards, wall posters, vocabulary posters, and a detailed and extensive teacher’s guide—everything a teacher could want.
- Twenty-four 45-minute lessons
- Hebrew keywords with visual cueing.
- Research-based introduction of the letters, vowels, and sounding patterns.
- Visual prompting that reinforces directionality.
- An emphasis on Siddur words, phases, and the performance of short prayers.
- Separate writing and printing Classroom Workbooks allow schools to choose the modality.
- These workbooks add additional decoding and discrimination activities to enrich the textbook.
- Periodic visits to Israel connect Hebrews to Israel.
- A teacher's guide that has been carefully engineered to both provide maximal support and allow for total creativity.
Additional Resources
- Tiyulim @ Home Review App offers review exercises, including a recording of the students' reading, which is emailed to their teachers. Tiyulim @ Home app is available on iPad, Android, and Kindle tablets.
- The class Workbook is filled with additional drill activities and writing exercises.
- Flashcards, Vocabulary Posters, Teacher's Guide—flashcards, wall posters, vocabulary posters, and a detailed and extensive teacher's guide—everything a teacher could want.
- Separate writing and printing of Classroom Workbooks allow schools to choose the modality.
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Tiyulim Journeys: A Hebrew Primer
$16.50 USD