Circle of Jewish Life First Edition
- SKU 17020
- UPC 9781891662904
This is the 2007 edition;
If you want the 2024 edition click here.
Grades 4-7: Circle of Jewish LIfe is a textbook for students studying the major lifecycle events. This is a textbook filled with texts and activities that will allow students to really understand the importance of Jewish life events. From birth to death, with stops on the way to talk about the importance of family obligations and events, Torah events, marriage, and the realities of getting older. The book is rich in Jewish texts, stories, and opportunities to learn the Jewish lifecycle's vocabulary and concepts.
The Circle of Jewish Life
Empower students to participate in the broad range of Jewish lifecycle events meaningfully.
Every chapter includes traditional texts, full scripts of lifecycle ceremonies, art projects, and stories.
Focus on the diversity of Jewish life, with elements that address adoption, divorce, gay marriage, and mourning.
Chapters on lifelong Jewish learning, aging, and conversion expand the understanding of the Jewish lifecycle beyond Brit milah, b’nai mitzvah, and weddings.
Lifecycle is important because it is where our students will encounter Judaism in real life. They will all celebrate weddings, have a bar or bat mitzvah, and face funerals. In those moments, the Jewish tradition can be a rich resource and make a difference. For that to happen, they need two things: (1) They need to know the dance steps. That includes knowing the names, prayers, rituals, and vocabulary associated with a particular lifecycle event. However, (2) they also need to have a sense of its meaning, the values it actualizes, and the way it connects the Eternal to real-life experience. The Circle of Jewish Life is the only lifecycle resource enabling both.
The Circle of Life Birth: Entering the Covenant
Torah Events
Growing Old
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Circle of Jewish Life First Edition