I Have Some Questions About God
- SKU 35025
- UPC 9781891662157
Grades: 3-4 Children want to talk about God. They have lots of questions. Parents and teachers are often afraid to talk about God because they have their own questions. This book was written to let teachers and parents feel comfortable having the conversations that their children are asking.
Six wonderful rabbis were invited to write answers, many in the form of stories, to these questions. Exercises were added to expand the process and encourage children to reflect and share, looking at their experiences of God in the world. The end result, with beautiful illustrations by Michelle Noiset, is a collection of wonderful stories and hands-on experiences.
The Authors
Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, author of It’s a Mitzvah! and Dean of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies of the University of Judaism
Rabbi Ed Feinstein, author of The Time of Your Life and rabbi of Valley Beth Shalom in Encino, CA.
Rabbi Elyse Frishman, co-editor of the new Reform siddur and rabbi of the Barnert Temple in Franklin Lakes, NJ.
Rabbi Joshua Hammerman, author of thelordismysheperd.com: Seeking God in Cyberspace and rabbi of Temple Beth El in Stamford, CT.
Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin, author of Putting God on the Guest List and rabbi of the Community Synagogue in Port Washington, NY.
Rabbi Sybil Sheridan, editor of Hear Our Voice: Women in the British Rabbinate and a lecturer at the Leo Baeck College in London.
Twelve questions about God (and related issues) were collected from children.
How do we know there really is a God?
Where does God come from?
If there is one God, why are there so many religions?
Does God know what I am thinking or what I will do?
Can praying make someone well?
Does God care which team wins the World Series or the Super Bowl?
Does God understand Hebrew best?
Is the Bible true?
Does God really make miracles?
Why is there so much bad in a world created by a good God?
Does God punish people?
Where do people go when they die?
Have a question?

I Have Some Questions About God