PrayerTech-Hebrew Primer Study app
- SKU 11112
Download links for the student app. You will install the PrayerTech app and then use the login information below to log into the Primer app.
We invite you to preview PrayerTech. Download the student app at the Apple App Store Google Play Store or Microsoft Apps.
Log into the student app with the user name tryit and password now (all lower case).
Schools purchase the license for $3.95 per student. Each license is for fourteen months. The app is free for students.
The Online Primer, built on the PrayerTech model, is a student app designed to help students master decoding Hebrew consonants and vowels. It is designed to help students increase those skills through a series of activities.
Each Online Primer lesson includes five to six activities that
- Review the letters and vowels students have learned in class.
- Enhance students’ fluency.
- Build and reinforce language elements.
- Address oral, aural & visual skills.
- Reinforces a basic Jewish vocabulary.
Online Primer can be used
- As an expansion of how a teacher teaches.
- A reinforcement at school or home (or both) to any primer curriculum.
- A stand-alone self-study resource.
as individual studies in language labs or learning centers. The drill material when working with a tutor.
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PrayerTech-Hebrew Primer Study app