TAPBB result Values
Mitzvah—The Whole Story
Idie Benjamin and Dale Sides Cooperman What is a mitzvah? It is a word we use with children all the time....
Derekh Eretz—The Power of Please and Thank You
Idie Benjamin and Dale Sides Cooperman Adults often refer to “please” and “thank you” as the magic words. They are...
An Attitude of Gratitude—The Tzedakah Connection
Dale Sides Cooperman and Idie Benjamin “A person’s a person, no matter how small.” Dr. Seuss, Horton Hears a Who...
Jewish In the Summer – Counting Our Blessings
Dale Cooperman and Idie Benjamin In some Jewish Early Childhood Programs, summer program can be a vacation from the Jewish...
The Mitzvah of Hospitality
Idie Benjamin & Dale Cooperman Welcoming is particularly on our minds at this time of year. New and prospective families...
Combating Bullying
Joel Lurie Grishaver Over the past couple of weeks at least seven gay, lesbian, and transgender students have committed suicide...
by David Singer David Singer, a student at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the American Jewish University, is...
We Need a Hero: Toward a New Technique for Teaching Heroes i...
by Josh-Mason Barkin Old magazines can surprise you. In 1994, CAJE published an edition of its Jewish Education News dedicated...
Introducing Eizehu Gibor
Heroes are important for two reasons. First, they give students powerful examples of how to live a life richly informed...