TAPBB result Adrian Durlester
Tech-i-ya 6.1
by Adrian A. Durlester We’re back with another school year of apps/software/online resource tips. Last year I recommended SnagIt from...
Tech-i-ya 5.2
by Adrian A. Durlester We’re back with another installment of software tips. Last time I recommended SnagIt from Techsmith as...
Tech-i-ya 5.1
Adrian A. Durlester We’re back with another year of Tech-i-ya, looking to share with you tips for making the best...
Tech-i-ya 5.1
Adrian A. Durlester Sorry for the hiatus between my last column and this one. As far as this school year...
Tech-i-ya 4.3
by Adrian A. Durlester I’m still finding it challenging to single out only one online resource in each column. Sorry...
Tech-i-ya 4.2
by Adrian A. Durlester As I mentioned in my previous column, this year we’re trying something different: highlighting just one...
Tech-i-ya 4.1
by Adrian A. Durlester We’re back with another year of columns discussing technology in Jewish Education, This year we’re trying...
Tech-i-ya 3.3
Adrian A. Durlester I’ve tangentially mentioned the concept before, but one of the trends in education (and business) that could...
Tech-i-ya 3.1
Adrian Durlester A new school year has started, and technology continues to play an increasing role in education. The world...
Tech-i-ya 2.5
Adrian Durlester A while back, I saw an online tip about resources for creating certificates for students. As I was...
Tech-i-ya 2.4
Adrian Durlester Pinterest! That’s the latest rage. (Well, as the ads say, that may be so 27 seconds ago.) Pinterest...
Tech-i-ya 2.3
Adrian Durlester We’re back with another installment of tips, ideas, and resources to help you be a better user of...
Tech-i-ya 2.2
By Adrian Durlester One of the best blog posts I’ve read recently is Steve Jobs, Apple, and Jewish Education: Can...
Tech-i-ya 2.1
Adrian Durlester So what does it mean to be a 21st century educator? This wiki on the 21st Century Teacher,...
Tech-i-ya 1.5
Adrian Durlester The hot topic in educational technology these days is Google+ (otherwise known as Google Plus.) At first glance,...