Yisrael Sheli: My Israel People and Places Teacher Guide
- SKU 44376
- UPC 978934527276
Grades: 2-4 Yisrael Sheli lets you tell your students two different stories about Israel. The first is the story of the people who created the State of Israel. The second is the story of the places in the Land of Israel. As we tour the land of Israel, we learn about the stories that created Israel. What's it like to travel Israel with the people who built her? Ben Gurion leads the tour at Sde Boker, his kibbutz. Rachel (the Poetess) reads her poems on the shores of the Kinneret. Joshua leads us across the Jordan river, and Josephus tells the story of Masada.
The Yisrael Sheli Teacher's Guide is a compendium of top-notch programs and ideas for experiential activities.
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Yisrael Sheli: My Israel People and Places Teacher Guide