Write Stuff: Job
- SKU 66054
Grades: 6-Adult With Write Stuff lessons you can bring some serious text study of the books of K'tuvim to the classroom. These five lessons combine historical and/or literary overviews with segments of the biblical text shaped for classroom study, accompanied by midrashic texts where appropriate. They allow you to teach about a specific part of K'tuvim or about a set of texts. Just pick the lessons that fit your curriculum.
The Book of Job is one of the books of Ketuvim (Writings) in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). It is part of the genre of Wisdom Literature, which also includes Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs. There are few clues to date either the setting or writing of Job.
There are five lessons in the Write Stuff Series
- Esther
- Job
- Ruth
- Ecclesiastes
- Song of Songs
- Teacher Guide
*When you purchase this lesson, you will receive a link to download it. Make as many copies as you need for your school and only your school. Downloaded materials are not returnable.
Teacher Guide not included.
This Lesson requires printing on 11 x 17 paper
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Write Stuff: Job