Whole School Purim 3: The Purim Project
- SKU 66133
Grades: 3-4 The Whole-School Holiday lessons make up a spiral curriculum, in which each lesson focuses on a different aspect of the Jewish holiday, value, or key subject. Whole School Holiday lessons are built around a matrix that allows students to have a unique experience each year.
- Grade 1–2: Purim Symbols
- Grade 2–3: The Purim Story
- Grade 3–4: The Purim Project
- Grade 4–5: Purim Mitzvot and Blessings
- Grade 5–6: Purim Food
- Grade 6–7: The Illuminated Megillah
- Grade 7–8: Our Purim Problem
The Whole-School Purim 3 lesson offers a story about the holiday of Purim and the importance of the mitzvot of Shelah Manot and Matanot L’Evyonim. In this story, Rob experiences his first time delivering Shelah Manot by taking his Purim treat to a woman in the community he doesn't know.
*When you purchase this lesson, you will receive a link to download it. Make as many copies of this lesson as you need for your school and only your school. Downloaded materials are not returnable.
A teacher guide is not included.
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Whole School Purim 3: The Purim Project