Teaching Jewishly
- SKU 31013
- UPC 9781934527061
Teaching Jewishly an exploration of how Jewish values influence pedagogy. By using Jewish sources as a foundation, Joel looks at how one creates a classroom based on respect and dignity, that facilitates growth, esteem, and community, and that makes the process of Jewish education an expression of the Jewish message.
“This is the book we have been waiting for! Teaching Jewishly provides the inspiration and Jewish wisdom necessary to enable teachers to connect Jewish values, their work in the classroom, and their lives. It is a book about how to be a teacher who cares for oneself, who cares for one’s students, and who seeks to find ways to do both.” -
Jo Kay, Director, School of Jewish Education, HUC-JIR, New York
“As teachers, we know that students learn not only from what we teach but from how we teach and from who we are as we teach. Grishaver’s new book teaches us how the ‘how’ and the ‘who’ can be deeply infused with Jewish ideas and values. Individual educators can certainly benefit from reading the book, but it would be invaluable to read it b’hevruta — with a study buddy or a study group. Conversations about the ideas and how to enact them in your setting could transform both the professional culture and school climate.”
Dr. Gail Dorph, Director, Mandel Teacher Educator Institute
- Teachers Are Supposed to be Angels
- Teaching as Relationship
- Greeting as the First Step in Teaching
- Building Respect for Students
- Rebuking: The Art of Saying NoTeaching Your Children Well
- Using Repentance
- Facing Bullying
- Teaching with Stories
- Teaching for Friendship
- Teaching Values
- Protecting Student Confidentiality
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Teaching Jewishly