Stories We Live by: The New Tongue
- SKU 57162
Grades 4-7   The Stories We Live By lessons use Jewish folktales and Rabbinic stories to teach important Jewish values. Each lesson tells a story and offers probing questions and text study for students to consider. Twelve Stories We Live By lessons are available.
Stories We Live By Lessons:
- The Bride’s Hairpin
- The Feather Story
- Honest Scales
- Kamtza and Bar Kamtza
- The Mitzvah of Not Saying
- The New Tongue
- One Date Seed
- The Rabbi and the Ugly Man
- The Rich Man’s Son
- The Two Friends
- Unworthy Human Beings
- Why the Rabbi Rode on Yom Kippur
- Stories We Live By Teacher’s Guide
The Stories We Live By: The New Tongue lesson offers students an opportunity to understand the importance of the way we speak to others and the ways our words can hug or hurt others. In the story, Shmuel Ha-Nagid is insulted by a local merchant. Instead of treating the merchant harshly, he treats him with kindness and mitigates the anger the merchant feels for him.
*When you purchase this lesson, you will receive a link to download it. Make as many copies as you need for your school and only your school. Downloaded materials are not returnable.
Teacher Guide not included.
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Stories We Live by: The New Tongue