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S'fatai Tiftah: Siddur Mastery & Meaning Volume 1

$17.95 USD
  • SKU 52001
  • UPC 9781891662102

Product description

Grades 3-4    S'fatai Tiftah: Mastery & Meaning is a three-volume series designed to teach prayer mastery and meaning. The three volumes take students through the major sections of a Shabbat morning service—from Barekhu through the concluding prayers.
S'fatai Tiftah has been designed to teach prayer mastery and meaning and to enable students to successfully achieve four major goals:

  • to perform basic prayers.
  • to develop a generalized understanding.
  • to explore personal meaning.
  • to understand how Hebrew is constructed.

    Each prayer has:

    • An introduction that sets the prayer's theme and locates it in the service.
    • A drill text and translation that is a source for the unit.
    • Key roots that build a language connection.
    • Practice sounding out keywords and phrases to help build fluency.
    • The opportunity to translate a short portion of the prayer that builds a further language connection.
    • A story that offers an insight into the prayer's spiritual meaning.

      Each volume is supported by a collection of materials.

      Home Workbook allows students to drill and reinforce class at home with a website that supports the Home Workbook.  

      The classroom Workbook is filled with additional activities and drill opportunities.
      Page-for-page Teacher's Guide with insights, background, and activities.
      Vocabulary Posters and Flashcards to work with the language elements in this curriculum. S'fatai Tiftah

      Volume 1 is the first volume of an exciting new curriculum to more effectively teach the ins and outs of the siddur. It is, by design, an excellent successor to either Ot la-Ba'ot, A Better Hebrew Primer, or Tiyulim.

      1. Food brakhot
      2. Mitzvah Brakhot
      3. Barekhu
      4. Yotzer Or
      5. Ahavah Rabbah
      6. Shema V'Ahavta
      7. Mi Khamokha
      8. Kiddush
      9. Modeh Ani
      10. Mah Tovu
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        S'fatai Tiftah: Siddur Mastery & Meaning Volume 1

        $17.95 USD

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