PrayerTech-Prayer Study app
- SKU prayertech 2
PrayerTech is an online prayer program designed to help students master the mechanics of prayer (reading drill, building, and reinforcing roots, vocabulary, and language elements) anywhere, anytime. Our goal for PrayerTech was to create a flexible program that allows your classes to spend less time on drills and more time on Kavannah.
PrayerTech works to
- enhance students’ fluency.
- Build and reinforce prayer vocabulary
- Build and reinforce root recognition.
- Build and reinforce language elements.
- Address oral, aural & visual skills.
- Reinforce the structure of prayers.
- Help you teach your synagogue’s liturgy.
With PrayerTech, you choose the prayers and the exercises your students will work on.
PrayerTech can be used as
- A stand-alone self-study resource.
- An expansion of how a teacher teaches.
- A reinforcement (at home or at school—or both) to any prayer study system, curriculum, or methodology.
- A perfect companion in class or as homework for prayer study curricula.
We invite you to preview PrayerTech. Download the student app at the Apple App Store or Google Play Store or Windows apps.
Log into the student app with user name tryit and password now (all lower case).
PrayerTech-Prayer Study app