Prayer Resource Pack: Mi Khamokha
- SKU 54408
Grades: 4-7
173 Pages
The Mi Khamokha Prayer Resource Pak includes activities designed to help you create class sessions where students master the Torah Blessings. Whether you use them in class or as part of an online session, these resources offer the tools you need to teach Mi Khamokha. You will find the following learning resources:
- The Prayer: Two full versions of Mi Khamokha with Hebrew and English translations. Page 6 is the version used in the Orthodox, Conservative, and Reconstructionist prayerbooks. Page 7–8 is the version used in Reform prayerbooks.
- Reading/Recitation Drill: A series of reading/recitation practice exercises that include phrases and games for students to play with a colleague.
- Language Elements: Introduction of the root words and other language elements
- Translation Opportunities. Using icons and English clues, students work to create their own English translations of the prayer. The whole prayer includes versions represented where movements made changes in the liturgy.
- Display Versions.Decorative versions of the prayer in portrait and landscape to project on a wall in class or screen share during online sessions. All four versions of the prayer are available.
- Word Flashcards: Three sets of flashcards are included in this set of materials.
Print and use these flashcards to drill or display words found in Torah Blessings.
- Vocabulary Icon Posters: Three sets of Vocabulary Icon Posters are included, as well as a list of vocabulary icons and words.
Using these Resources
Consider the Mi Khamokha Prayer Resource Pak as your tool chest to create sessions in class or online.
A note about online use: these pages can be used to project as a screen share or to print copies for student use. Based on experience, please don’t assume that if you email pages to parents, they will print them out at home. You are far better off creating a packet of those pages you want to use for a series of sessions that can be mailed home or parents can pick up at the school.
*When you purchase this lesson, you will receive a link to download it. Make as many copies of this lesson as you need for your school and only your school. Downloaded materials are not returnable.
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Prayer Resource Pack: Mi Khamokha