Pirkei T'fillah - Barukh She-amar
- SKU 54337
Grades: 4-7 Pirkei T’fillah is designed to teach prayer mastery and meaning. The series takes students though the major sections of Shabbat evening and morning services—from Barekhu through the concluding prayers—Havdalah, Shabbat, and everyday brakhot.
Pirkei T’fillah will teach prayer mastery and meaning and enable students to achieve four major goals successfully:
- To perform basic prayers
- To develop a generalized understanding
- To explore personal meaning.
- To understand how Hebrew is constructed
Pirkei T’fillah highlights the liturgy from the Traditional, Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist movements’ siddurim.
The forty different Pirkei T’fillah booklets can be used in any order. They offer you the flexibility to design your prayer curriculum to meet the needs of your school.
This booklet introduces Barukh She-amar .
Each lesson is sold in a package of five copies (booklets) per title.
These are all the prayers available in Pirkei T'ifillah.
Modeh Ani/ Mah Tovu |
Asher |
Yatzar/Elohai N’shamah |
Birkhot ha-Torah |
Nissim b’Khol Yom |
Barukh She’Amar |
Psalm 150 |
Nishmat Kol Hai |
Yistabah |
L’Kha Dodi |
Barekhu |
Yotzer Or/Maariv Aravim |
Ahavah Rabbah/Ahavat Olam |
Shema |
V’Ahavta |
Mi Khamokha |
Hashkiveinu |
Hashkiveinu |
V’Shamru |
Amidah |
Avot v’Imahot |
G’vurot |
K’dushah |
Birkat Hoda’ah |
Birkhot Shalom |
Hallel |
Beginning the Torah Service |
Ark is Opened |
Taking the Torah Out |
Torah Blessings |
Haftarah Blessings |
V’Zot ha-Torah |
Ashrei |
Aleinu |
Kaddish Yatom |
Ein K’Eloheinu/Adon Olam |
Shabbat Brakhot |
Birkat ha-Mazon |
Havdalah |
Meet the Brakhah Formula |
Food Brakhot |
She-he-heyanu |
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Pirkei T'fillah - Barukh She-amar