Parashah Experiencing the Weekly Torah Portion
- SKU 54190
- UPC 9781934527702
Grades: 6-8 Welcome to Parashah—Experiencing the Weekly Torah Portion, a new vision for studying parashat ha-shavua. Parashah is a book specifically designed for seventh grade students as they approach Bar/Bat mitzvah.
Parashah teaches the weekly Torah portion in many ways, including learning to read without vowels, understanding the text, exploring the mitzvot found in the parashot and many ways to experience the text.
Parashah includes an overview to each parashah, a verse to read with and without vowels, an experiential activity for the Torah portion, a mitzvah of the week and an experiential activity for the mitzvah, and an internet resources for the mitzvah that can lead directly to a bar/bat mitzvah project.
Parashsh is perfect for a bar/bat mitzvah class that you want to bind to the cycle of the Torah.
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Parashah Experiencing the Weekly Torah Portion