Parashah Cards
- SKU 54102
Parashah Cards is a deck of 54 cards that covers all of the Torah portions read during a year of Torah reading. Each card has a picture and bullet points that highlight the major events in each parashah.
Parashah Cards can be used to:
• quickly review the weekly parashah.
• teach the structure of the Torah.
• be the basis for creative Torah expression.
Big Ideas
• Reviewing the weekly parashah is a good way to connect students to the weekly Torah cycle.
• Adding even a small amount of Torah study prepares students to join the weekly Torah study during Shabbat services.
Parashah Cards oer a variety of activities for your students. Use them to
1. organize parashot by book, finding all of the parashot in Bereishit
(Genesis) or Be-Midbar (Numbers).
2. put the parashot in order from beginning to end of the Torah cycle.
3. create an advanced organizer to your weekly Torah study by
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Parashah Cards