Ot la-Ba'ot Print A Better Hebrew Primer
- SKU 51004
- UPC 9781891662010
Ot la-Ba'ot: A Better Hebrew Primer is an innovative 174-page primer that provides students and teachers with a variety of learning modalities for Hebrew decoding skills. Keywords from Jewish life, oral units, Siddur word exercises, Mahir stories, and fun activities are included, as well as a Home Workbook, Parent Introduction, flashcards, posters, Teacher's Guide and training video. 45-minute teaching blocks, 15-minute homework exercises, and parental support are featured.
Ot la-Ba’ot A Better Hebrew Primer, our innovative primer, teaches Hebrew decoding skills by maintaining and building an active Jewish and modern Hebrew vocabulary. Using Ot la-Ba’ot in class and the Ot la-Ba’ot Home Workbook at home, students will have all the tools to be successful Hebrew readers. Ot la-Ba’ot is a full-color 174-page book. Also available: Ot la-Ba’ot Home Workbook in print or script, a teacher’s guide, 240 flashcards, vocabulary posters, letter flash cards, a training video, and a parent introduction. Ot La-Ba’ot: A Better Hebrew Primer offers students and teachers a variety of learning modalities and skill-building opportunities. Key features include:Â
- Hebrew Key Words. Each letter is introduced with three to five Hebrew keywords that come from the vocabulary of Jewish life. These words include Torah, Hallah, Shofar, and Etrog; connecting basic Jewish literacy to Hebrew acquisition.
- Daber Ivrit Ten oral language units build a connection between Hebrew and Eretz Yisrael.
- Siddur Words. Throughout the book are Siddur word exercises, which become mechanical reading practice using key pieces from the prayerbook and the Haggadah.
- Mahir Stories. Ot la-Ba’ot is hosted by a bilingual dog named Mahir, who tells the story of Eliezer Ben Yehudah, the father of the modern Hebrew language. Students learn the story of the Hebrew Language's rebirth and its importance to the Jewish people.
- Fun Exercises. Ot la-Ba’ot is filled with races, puzzles, and games. The book is carefully paced, alternating mechanical reading exercises with fun things to do.
Ot la-Ba’ot offers these essential resources:Â
- Student App. Ot la-Ba’ot has been designed with its own student app. Each class lesson is paired with an online lesson to review the materials learned in class.Â
- Parent Introduction. This sixteen-page booklet for parents includes a full vocabulary list, a Hebrew letter chart, and a short introduction to help parents understand how best to help their children with homework assignments.
- Essential Tools—Flashcards, Posters, Teacher’s Guide, and Training Video. Ot la-Ba’ot has been carefully engineered to both provide maximal support and to allow for total creativity. The book has been carefully paced for two varied forty-five-minute teaching blocks a week. There are flashcards, posters, activities, and resources—everything a teacher could want. A detailed and extensive teacher’s guide, enhanced by a training video, clarifies objectives and opportunities.
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Ot la-Ba'ot Print A Better Hebrew Primer