Middot A Stairway of Virtues
$6.95 USD
- SKU 44309
- UPC 9781891662713
Grades: 8-12 A middah is a Jewish value. This book by Ron Isaac is an “old school” textbook. No fancy graphics, no busy work exercises, etc. It has chapters with introductions, stories, texts, and questions to discuss.
Three to five pages are presented per value, and twenty-five values are presented altogether. This is a perfect classroom resource, teacher resource, or curricular foundation. It has everything you need to teach Jewish values to middle school, high school students, or adults.
Topics include:
Three to five pages are presented per value, and twenty-five values are presented altogether. This is a perfect classroom resource, teacher resource, or curricular foundation. It has everything you need to teach Jewish values to middle school, high school students, or adults.
Topics include:
- Humility/Anavah; Repentance/T’shuvah; Friendship/Yedidut
- Hospitality/Hakhnasat Orhim; Leadership/Hanhagah
- Charity/Tzedakah; Peace/Shalom; A Good Name/Shem Tov
- Honor/Kavod; Wealth/Osher; Taking Care of the Body/Shmirat ha-Guf
- Compassion/Rahamim
- Not Coveting/Lo Tahmod; Using Good Words/Leshon ha-Tov
- Industriousness/Melakhah
- Not Embarrassing/Lo Levayesh; Being Pleasant/Sayver Panim Yafot
- Reverence for God/Yirat ha-El; Trustworthiness/Emunah.
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Middot A Stairway of Virtues
$6.95 USD