Experiencing the Jewish Holidays Parent Book
- SKU 25673
- UPC 9781934527474
If this parent book had made it into your hands, you would have already understood this story. You get that your actions greatly influence your child’s actions and that being a role model is important.
This book has two kinds of material. First, some activities will give you a chance to search for the deep meaning of Jewish celebration and ways to create family experiences that draw from the richness of the holidays.
The other material is basic background information on the holidays. It is the stuff you learned or forgot in Sunday school. This is your chance to know just a little more than your children.
It is good that your children are learning about the major Jewish celebrations. The process is supercharged through your involvement.
*When you purchase this, you will receive a link to download it. Make as many copies of this lesson as you need for your school and only your school. Downloaded materials are not returnable.
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Experiencing the Jewish Holidays Parent Book