Parashah - The Book Of Exodus
$16.95 USD
- SKU 54181
- UPC 978-1-934527-95-5
Rabbi Daniel K. Alter, and Joel Grishaver
Grades 6–adult The new Parashah—The Book of Exodus is the second in a series of materials for pre-Bar/Bat Mitzvah students. Re-imagined by Rabbi Daniel Alter, this is the second of five volumes to be released in this series. Parashah—The Book of Exodus covers the parashot in Shemot.
Parashah—The Book of Exodus covers the parashot in Exodus, and includes overviews of each parashah, a verse in Hebrew, experiential activities, hevruta study, Biblical commentators, and a mitzvah of the week
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Parashah - The Book Of Exodus
$16.95 USD