Content of Their Character: Tikun Olam (Repairing the World)
- SKU 17262
Grades: 6-Adult Content of Their Character lessons offer students a definition and text study of Jewish values with practical applications. Each of these lesson folders contains material for three to four forty-five-minute classroom sessions.
There are the materials in the Content of Their Character series
- Anavah: Humility
- Derekh Eretz
- Erekh Apayim: Slow To Anger
- Hevruta: Friendship
- Kabed et Avikha v'et Imekha: Honoring Parents
- Pikuah Nefesh
- Rodef Shalom
- Shmirat ha-Lashon
- Tikkun Olam
- Tokhehah: Rebuke
- T'shuvah
- Tza'ar Ba'alei Hayyim: Being Kind to Animals
- Tzedakah
- V'Ahavta L'Re'ekha K'Mokha: Love your Neighbor as Yourself
- Content of Their Character Teacher's Guide
Content of their Character: Tikkun Olam lesson offers students an opportunity to study the Jewish value of repairing the world. Through a combination of texts and cases, this lesson allows students to explore the idea that we are partners with God in this world and it is our obligation to improve the world for us and future generations.
*When you purchase this lesson, you will receive a link to download it. Make as many copies as you need for your school and only your school. Downloaded materials are not returnable.
Teacher Guide not included.
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Content of Their Character: Tikun Olam (Repairing the World)