What is jbop?
jbop is an innovative enrichment tool (“interactive activity center”) for use on computers in Jewish schools and homes. It’s a set of modules — each with six full interactive activity areas — on subjects from Pesah and Purim to Israel and Torah.
Who developed jbop?
JeMM Productions, makers of The Interactive Haggadah, Who Stole Hanukkah?!, Portrait of Israel, and other popular interactive multimedia products. The Covenant Foundation supported enhancements to the tool and effectiveness testing within focus schools (conducted jointly by JeMM and the Colorado Agency for Jewish Education).
Who uses jbop?
The jbop suite of tools is ideal for day schools and supplementary schools, either in the school computer lab or for assigned home use.
What age students can use jbop?
jbop is designed for first through fifth graders.
What’s special about jbop?
When your school integrates jbop into the curriculum, you’re adding a set of interactive activities — engaging, creative, varied, flexible — which accommodate a wide range of content and offer students and educators new modes of Jewish learning.
What content is covered?
Holidays and Shabbat; Bible; Values; Israel; Prayer (25 units in all)
How much time is needed for each jbop unit?
Activities are entirely modular and non-linear. You can spend anywhere from 20 minutes on a unit (doing two or three activities) to over an hour (covering four to six activity areas).
How are teachers trained to use jbop?
With jbop on your computer and the jbop Educator’s Guide in hand, a teacher can master the basics in two hours. For schools interested in large-scale deployment of the system, jbop — like everything else from Torah Aura Productions — comes with free teacher training and school support. For more information on teacher training, contact Josh Barkin, director of school services, at josh@torahaura.com.
Can I sample jbop?
For a limited time, Torah Aura and JeMM are offering the jbop Yom Ha’Atzmaut Activity Pack free of charge. This special Israel@60 offer includes all of jbop‘s Israel lessons, and as an added bonus, you will also receive the Welcoming Shabbat Activity Pack.
To try out jbop today, get the free download at http://www.ejemm.com/jemm/israelat60.htm.
How I can buy jbop for my school?
Starting in May, jbop will be available from Torah Aura Productions. Stay tuned to this space for more information.