Upcoming Torah Aura Webinars

We are busy scheduling new webinars on a variety of topics, and we are pleased to announce two new webinars in the next month. Each webinar, to be held at GotoMeeting.com and will run 20–40 minutes.

Transforming Religious School into Camp: A Look at the why and How

Dr. Roberta Louis Goodman

Roberta Louis GoodmanWe participated in a workshop on innovating in Jewish education that lead to our creation of Camp@NSCI for our 3rd and 4th graders. We consulted with experts locally and nation-wide to design this program. This webinar will review why we decided to transform our Sunday program into camp and how we do it. We will share how we are measuring our success too.

Dr. Roberta Louis Goodman is in her third year as the Education Director at North Shore Congregation Israel where she grew up and went to Hebrew Union College to become a Jewish educator so that no child should have the same religious school experience that she had; She was inspired by her positive youth group experience. Roberta has taught,authored and edited books, articles, curricular materials and conducted research and evaluation including on the topic of Jewish educational change and congregational schooling.

Thursday, November 29, 2012
1:00 p.m. EDT/12:00 p.m. CST/11:00 a.m.
MST/10:00 a.m. PDT



Jewish Education: Is There an App for That?

Ira J. Wise R.J.E.

Ira J. WiseEvery 18 months, computer processors become twice as fast and half as large as they were before. Everyone is talking about incorporating digital technology in Jewish education, and many of us wonder about the best ways of doing that and how we will be able to cope with the changes. In the words of Douglass Adams – DON’T PANIC!

Whether you are digital sabra (native), olah (immigrant) or tayar (tourist), this webinar will help you begin to sort things out. Join Ira Wise for an exploration of some of the possibilities, the costs (financial, logistical, spiritual, etc.) and the benefits (spiritual, communal, educational, etc.).

Ira J. Wise, R.J.E. is in his 18th year serving as the Director of Education at Congregation B’nai Israel in Bridgeport, CT. He is a Digital Oleh and consults with educators and congregations on how to make digital technologies an effective component in learning, teaching and administration. He loves this stuff, and he is still certain that the best learning happens with a great teacher, a bunch of students and some Jewish texts. He blogs about Jewish Education at http://nextleveljewisheducation.blogspot.com/.

Thursday, December 6, 2012
2:00 p.m. EDT/1:00 p.m. CST/12:00 a.m.
MST/11:00 a.m. PDT

Jewish Education: Is there an App for That?