Now Available: Siddur Covers

A few months ago, we began offering do-it-yourself tallit kits that students can decorate, tie, and wear.

They’ve been very popular, and when schools called to order, we started hearing the same suggestion time and time again:

"Can you please start making siddur covers?"

We talked to our fabric suppliers and we examined what it would take to manufacture them. And today we’re very pleased to announce that high-quality fabric siddur covers are now available for Mishkan T’filah and Siddur Sim Shalom. The covers are made from a deep blue cotton-poly fabric, and their inside pockets fit perfectly over the hard covers of the siddurim. The fabric is extremely durable, soft to the touch, and easy to decorate.

We have a limited quantity of each in stock, and they’re ready to be shipped immediately. We’re offering them at an introductory sale price of $16 each, and regular school discounts (starting with orders over $100) will apply.

Stay tuned, because in the future we’ll be offering additional colors and additional sizes (for different siddurim).

To order, call (800) 689-0793 or head to and click on "Art Kits & Projects."

Questions? Please contact Alan Rowe,