We’re on our way to CAJE33 in Burlington, VT. Will we see you there?
Come see our latest materials and meet our authors at the Torah Aura Productions booth, #54 (as well as 55, 60, and 61… it’s more like a “mega-booth”). Also, check out these great sessions from Torah Aura:
After Israel at 60: Imagineering Israel in the Congregational School
Ira Wise and Josh Barkin
Sunday, Aug. 10 6:30pm-7:45pm Kalkin 001
Going Beyond Kovah Tembel and the Western Wall: Teaching the Real Israel in the Supplementary School
Josh Barkin
Monday, Aug. 11 10:15am-11:30am Davis Center Williams Family (403)
Rethinking Teaching Israel
Joel Grishaver
Monday, Aug. 11 2:15pm-3:30pm Lafayette Hall 108
Jewish Education as a Conserving Activity: The Problem With Too Much Innovation
Joel Grishaver and Josh Barkin
Monday, Aug. 11 4:15pm-5:30pm Lafayette Hall 108
Siddur Teaching that Creates People Who Pray
Ellen Dreskin and Joel Grishaver
Tuesday, Aug. 12 2:15pm-3:30pm Lafayette Hall, 108
Teaching Jewishly
Joel Grishaver
Tuesday, Aug. 12 4:15-5:30 Kalkin 004
Drops of Honey: Enriching the Jewish Experiences of Families With Young Children
Idie Benjamin and Dale Cooperman
Wednesday, Aug, 13 11:45am-1:00pm Rowell, 111
Teaching the Jewish Lifecycle in the Supplementary School
Josh Barkin
Wednesday, Aug. 13 12:30pm-1:45pm Kalkin 110
The Annual 5 Things Extravaganza
Carol Oseran Starin, Idie Benjamin, Dale Cooperman, Adrian A. Durlester, Sharon Halper, Judy Kaskel, Fran Pearlman, Ira Wise
Wednesday, Aug. 13 2:15pm-5:00pm Lafayette Hall, 108
The Pieces of the Puzzle
Joel Grishaver, Macy Hart, Rabbi Jan Katzew, Jo Kay, Rob Weinberg
Wednesday, Aug. 13 2:15pm-5:00pm Royall Tyler Theatre, Theatre (210)
You Don’t Need to be Creative!
Laurie Bellet
Wednesday, Aug. 13 2:15pm-5:00pm Living/Learning Bldg. B, B132