Two new Big Books are available!
Big Books are ideal for group story time. The larger, colorful illustrations make details more easily seen by children in a shared story time. The story becomes more visually engaging and helps to develop attention and listening comprehension skills. These two new Big Books for Purim and Shavuot are written by Idie Benjamin and Dale Sides Cooperman, authors of Torah Aura’s Drops of Honey material.
The Story of Purim Big Book
In Shu-Shu-Shushan long ago, it was all about heroes. The Big Book format welcomes children to explore the palace and hear the story of Queen Esther. A child-friendly and appropriate text tells the story while engaging illustrations bring the characters to life. Big Book Purim [Item #15324] $29.95
Shavuot Big Book
What is the greatest gift given to the Jewish People? The Torah! How do we know how to be Jewish? The Torah! Continue the journey for the Red Sea to Mount Sinai, so that the Jewish people can receive the Torah. Along the way, children will have opportunities to think about being Jewish and what is about to happen. Big Book Shavuot [Item #15325] $29.95
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