No, you are incorrect!
This version of Sim Shalom comes from Mishkan T’fillah, the siddur of the Reform movement. The change comes in the third line with the words barkeinu, yotzreinu kulanu k’ehad b’or panekha.
You can check this out yourself. Download the PrayerTech app from and try it out using the user name and password sample. All four versions of Sim Shalom are there. Can you see where the movements have modified the prayer?
Did you know that PrayerTech supports your prayer needs by allowing you to choose the versions of prayers that meet your school or synagogue’s liturgy. Imagine your students being able to work on the prayers they are studying without having to skip over words that are not in their siddur?
Would you like to learn more about PrayerTech? We continue to offer a webinar for educators that introduces the components of PrayerTech and how it might be used in your schools. Another webinar is a deep dive into the mechanics of setting up a school using PrayerTech. Join us for one of the upcoming webinars. Click here to sign up.